Personal data that Taxfix shares with our marketing partners

Taxfix will share the following personal data with our marketing partners:

  • event name
  • event time
  • event_ID
  • user_ID
  • gclid
  • conversion_data_time
  • order_id
  • event_source_url
  • action_source
  • Custom Data:
    • em: hashed Email address
    • fbc: Click ID
    • hashed location (zip code, city, state)
    • fn: First Name — Hashed
    • ct: City — Hashed
    • st: State — Hashed
    • zp: Zip Code — Hashed

Marketing Partners

We will share the personal data mentioned above with the following marketing partners for marketing purposes and general product improvement:

  • Meta Platforms (Facebook) Ireland Limited
  • Google Ireland Limited